For the next few posts of this Life in Prison series, I will be introducing you to some of the friends I have made in here. They will tell you about themselves through their own words.
My name is Russell Mckinnon. I'm a native of Nashville, Tennessee, currently incarcerated in F.C.I. Texarkana, Texas on a firearms charge. Being locked up in jail or prison is never a good thing to be proud of, but you can take the worst situation and get something real good out of it if one chooses to apply his or her time in a positive perspective. Meaning: If you want to make a change in your life you can correct your mistakes and "right your wrongs". It is true that time does bring about a change in everyones life for better or worse. I can only speak from my own personal experiences. The things I've been through in life. I would never ever want to see a young man or your woman throw their lives away the way I have mine. The better years of my life have been spent locked up in a cage like some type of wild animal. I started a criminal career at a very early age of 11-years-old. Look at me now. I'm still serving time and going back and forth to prison doing foolish things. My point and advice to the youth is: Don't throw your life away. Stay in school, get an education, no matter how tough things may seem, dont ever give up. Your hopes, dreams, and goals are attainable, and can be fulfilled. Great accomplishments comes with a price. Dedication and hard work is the ultimate sacrifice, bearing trials without complaint is patient, and "patience is the key to success". I have plenty of free advice, knowledge, wisdom, words of great encouragement and guidance for anyone whose life is headed into the wrong direction. If you would like to touch base with me drop me a line. My address is below at the end of this message. Prison is a human warehouse and it is modern day slavery. So stay away from illegal activities that will put you behind bars. Luckily for me, I have turned on the light switch inside of my head thats been off for so many wasted years, and now I'm using my brains, and burning my energy in a positive manner. I recently discovered a hidden talent that God has blessed me with that I did not know that I had inside of me. I have written several un-published books that are in the process of being published. If a so-called menace to society can change, so can you and anyone else. "Hit -Yo Boy UP"
Russell Mckinnon