Sunday, July 6, 2008

Basketball: No Win Today

Today started off great and I felt wonderful, and to be honest, I didn't play bad. The first game I went down shooting. We were only going to 15 and I know I scored anywhere from 7 to 9 points and grabbed at least four rebounds. But it wasn't enough. Four men will out work one every time. I tried to get my other players involved but they just wasn't having it. One continued to argue with other players which really threw me off my game. But the bad news was we had the game tied at 14 and I had the ball. I missed the last shot. Man, how I wanted to win this game. And that was the closest I came to winning all day. The good part is I got a great sweat and torched the guy that they say is the best guard on the compound, "Peanut". So tomorrow we got a challenge, me and him, one on one. I am guarantee victory... even though I am twice his age. I will holla at you all tomorrow. 


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